Most people’s first instinct of a truck driver, or ‘Truckie,’ is a burly bloke, especially a truckie in a mammoth vehicle with the rego “BLOCKA.” In typical Eather Group fashion, we’ve taken this image as a challenge to do something unexpected.

Bianca Clark is the face behind BLOCKA, and has been with Eather Group for the last eight months. ‘Another day in the office’ for her, is a red 600 horsepower Kenworth 909 with trailer, carting around 38 tonnes of various natural materials per load across Sydney and surrounding regions.
“I really love what I do, being involved in all kinds of civil and large infrastructure projects, and working with all kinds of clients. Eather Group is very supportive of my career goals, working with me to increase my industry knowledge to advance into management roles in the future,” Bianca explains.
Newer to the team is Patricia “Blu” Birch, the driver for Eather Group’s Mack Trident with trailer. These ladies have quickly become valued members of the Eather team and recognisable on the roads across Greater Sydney.

“Eather Group is proud to have a workforce that is more than 20% female, with women thriving in senior management positions right through to machine operator levels, and this number is always growing,” says Divinia Eather.
Yes, Eather Group has never played into stereotypes, so be sure to keep an eye out for Bianca and Blu out on the roads.